Dr. Butch Ware, I wish you well. The duopoly is so far to the right that neither party is indistinguishable. Non-affiliated voter numbers are off the chart because these two corporate-owned parties, thanks mostly to Citizens United, have disenfranchised we citizens.
Great interview, Sharon. I am enthused about Dr. Ware’s campaign for governor and I think it would be very interesting if he runs against Republican Bill Essayli, who is currently the first Muslim assembly member. Essayli is a solid Trumper, but he has had some good bills that the Democrats shamefully killed like the MENA Act that would have given Middle East North African people a box to check on all California forms so they do not have to check “white.” Essayli has been treated horribly by the Democrats who look more like Dixiecrats with their smug attitudes and supermajority, and I’m sure they will bring out the razor blades against Dr Ware, but he beats them hands down on principles , ideas, and plans to uplift our communities.
Hope you are successful in your run for governor of Ca Dr. Ware. I voted for you and Jill here in Ma prez election.
Dr. Butch Ware, I wish you well. The duopoly is so far to the right that neither party is indistinguishable. Non-affiliated voter numbers are off the chart because these two corporate-owned parties, thanks mostly to Citizens United, have disenfranchised we citizens.
Great interview, Sharon. I am enthused about Dr. Ware’s campaign for governor and I think it would be very interesting if he runs against Republican Bill Essayli, who is currently the first Muslim assembly member. Essayli is a solid Trumper, but he has had some good bills that the Democrats shamefully killed like the MENA Act that would have given Middle East North African people a box to check on all California forms so they do not have to check “white.” Essayli has been treated horribly by the Democrats who look more like Dixiecrats with their smug attitudes and supermajority, and I’m sure they will bring out the razor blades against Dr Ware, but he beats them hands down on principles , ideas, and plans to uplift our communities.