Compelling conversation, thank you Mark, Sharon and Dick. Perhaps once the working class realizes that Trump Is not the answer, that he and his party are for the rich or 1 percent of the 1 percent, then maybe progressives of all ethnicities will have more traction. With so much labor outsourced under these Free Trade Agreements, the union movement suffers and so, in the finally analysis, we have to consider which workers, if organized and mobilized for peace, social and environmental justice, could make a difference in effectively challenging efforts to establish a caste system.

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the working class does not did to realize they know it,s all crooked the problem is the middle class and you don't in what appears to manifest as psychological trauma.

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Labor is the backbone of progressivism. The first time around, Trump rode the coat tails of Bernie Sanders DNC hijacked primary roll. The global supply chain, created to promote a global capitalist system of debt, is a disenfranchisement and dis- placement of American workers. Production is the vitality of an economy. Bringin' it all back home !

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There seems to be (no there is) a permanent and lasting disconnect between the current philosophy of the Democratic Party and such of the philosophy it once had.

Where Trump RFK jr reminds me of Joseph McCarthy and The Kennedys where McCarthy empowered the family scion gangsterism Joseph Kennedy in his connections with FDR the KKK Seagram's and bootlegging and Prohibition where 64 years later JFK and RFK are regarded as sainted when they were scoundrels as much as RFK jr if not more. Where the primary enabler of the Donald Trump has been the Democratic Party and those within it who pretend to be principled moderates.



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(1) There is no such group as Latino or Latinx and anyone who thinks there is a racist.

(2) Of course the country was not supposed to be a democracy but a Republic.

(3) Trump has no greater support than the anti-racist Wokers

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You have it in what you present as convoluted but there is no pure question in this psychological warfare being waged as "wokism" is as unreal as identity politics in what divided the workers of Cali from Oakland to SD, in what you must first define but don't. Define Wokism without using these labels.

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Americans hate Wokeism. Trump did not wing; the Wokers lost the election which mean Trump had to win

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Are you intentionally lying? All "Americans hate Wokeism"? which ones and after define that write a few books on it I find and welcome you as welcomes a muscle cramp restrictive painful unproductive and un enlightening.

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Easy to call "BS" without any specific points of contention. These folks are spot on and accurate in their historical references. Identity politics has been used since time immemorial to divide and conquer. I wish they had fully considered that the "white" lust for power embraces members of all ethnic groups...ie., that "white" is code for class. If you can walk and talk like an member of the elite white class, embrace its (colonialist, exploitative) "values," (or at least turn a blind eye) you too, will enter the fold and be accepted. Now that's the real BS.

BTW, Shawn Fain is calling for a mass strike in 2028. Here's what he said: “We have to pay for our sins of the past. Back in 1980 when Reagan at the time fired Patco workers, everybody in this country should have stood up and walked the hell out. We missed the opportunity then, but we’re not going to miss it in 2028. That’s the plan. We want a general strike. We want everybody walking out just like they do in other countries.” Start planning now, people.

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