Animals often show compassion and kindness to other animals. Caring is not just a human element. Animals will adopt orphans from other species. Generally, I prefer animals.

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Also some animals risk their own lives to defend members of their group.

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Not death but life. There is a promised day arriving. Find a Baha'i scholar. Check out Baha'i.org. U must investigate this truth your self Certainly people will warmly assist you. Thank u for your article. I sense your intelligence, fine sense of justice and integrity compels me to suggest you go to the adminnistrative body by phone to query. I am also here should u think i can be of service

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The US is in rapid decline. It's losing control of the world because of BRICS. BTW, the Democrats and Republicans are, you're right, the same.

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Yes, the US is losing control to BRICS, but not so much because of BRICS as because of our sense of superiority, exceptionalism, and entitlement, our greed, and our aggressive self-justified use of force to get our way.

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Our national ethos is self-obsessed moral imbecility bolstered by federally sanctioned greed; it is sustained by an electoral majority whose defining characteristics are prideful ignorance and sadistic hatefulness.

Legitimate candidates for when this became irreversible official policy include Columbus Day, which celebrates the start of the ecogenocidal war against First Nations peoples, and which the Trump Regime has already re-escalated with the false arrest of tribal peoples as illegal aliens; the end of Reconstruction (1877); the Palmer Raids (1919-1920); the de facto Congressional immunity given the Bankers' Plot perpetrators (1934); the adoption of Original Nazi war criminals as advisors and comrades-at-arms by the federal government and its plutocratic owners (1943-1946); the endless postwar purges of Communists, socialists and humanitarian intellectuals and artists (1946 onward); political nonconformity made a capital crime (19 June 1953); normalization of political murder (22 November 1963); the Vietnam War (10 August 1964) the clandestine commencement of neoliberal nazification (20 January 1969) etc. ad nauseam.

My first choice for official National Moral Imbecility Day would be 24 April 1877, when President Rutherford Hayes terminated Reconstruction. Second choice would be the secret date in 1934 Congress decided to protect the bankers and their bipartisan collaborators who plotted to nazify the nation and ally it with Hitler. Third choice would be the secret date -- probably in the late '60s or early '70s -- when our Masters made our national sociopathy incurable by mandating Ayn Rand's fictional variants of "Mein Kampf" -- particularly "Atlas Shrugged" -- required reading for generations of adolescents already primed by Christian Prosperity Gospel’s ecogenocidal greed and associated sadism. Thus MAGA is accomplished by MAHA: Maximizing America’s Hatefulness Again.

Since then, the extinction of our species and reduction of our Mother Earth to permanently toxic Precambrian sterility has become inevitable, with life for the 99.9 Percent meanwhile reduced to the equivalent of terminal illness.

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Wonderful testimony, Mark, except that in your fervor for the teachings of Jesus, which I share, I think you went a bit too far in saying definitively "no figure has spoken to who we are as human beings with as much power and insight and wisdom as he did", instead of saying something more accurate like "no figure I know of" etc., and I think you went a bit too far even in saying that "the first century Christians . . . constituted what I believe was probably the very first socialist society" instead of saying something less presumptuous and still inspiring like maybe "the first century Christians . . . constituted a truly remarkable socialist society two thousand years ago", given that other socialist societies existed during and after the time of the Buddha, and surely long before, presumably as exemplified today among "the bushmen" of the Kalahari.

This said, Mark, thanks lots for all your testimony, and to it I'll add just that in my view "clues" to "the realization that there is something greater than ourselves" "can be found" in the presence and the words and the deeds of true living elders as well as "in sacred texts".

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You be awesome.


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